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A question: if you keep doing things the way you're currently doing them, what is the likely outcome?  If your church or organization keeps on doing things the way it's currently doing them, what is the likely outcome?

Might you set sail in a new direction?

I invite you to consider coaching. Most of my clients are pastors, especially Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and United Methodists. But I have coached others who are searching, who are exploring new jobs, new ways of being a spouse or parent, who are moving into retirement, or leading a non-profit or small business. The key is that you're curious about new possibilities. See the links below for more specific coaching or consulting.

For Pastors and other leaders -

Are you...

...hoping to get your church going in a new direction?

...dealing with conflict or other dysfunction in your church or organization? to a church, especially one that is very different from your previous church?

Would you like to raise your leadership skills to a new level?

Would you like a trusted confidant to help you:

  • Build a stronger leadership team?
  • Reflect on decisions and actions?
  • Focus on what's really important?
  • Deal with difficult people?

Then coaching can help.

Most pastors have had minimal training in leadership.  Seminary gave us extensive training in preaching, teaching, Bible study, pastoral care, etc. but next to no help in leading our parishioners to work together to do God’s work.  Doctors, economists, social workers, owners of small businesses, and other professionals have told me that they had little leadership education.

For People in Transition

"What am I going to do in the next chapter of my life?"

What transition are you going through?

  • looking for a job or in a new one?  Changing careers?
  • approaching or recently entered retirement?

Would you like a trusted confidant to help you navigate the rushing white water of this transition time?

  • discerning your strengths and dreams - what is it that you really want?
  • making specific plans and commitments to approach this new chapter of your life
  • identify obstacles (both external and internal) that are in your way

Then coaching can help.

(a caution - even though I have had a fair amount of training in counseling, I don't do psycho-therapy.  I'd be glad to refer you to a licensed professional if that's what you really need.  I'm best able to help a motivated person who is muddling along reasonably well or even quite well, but wants to do even better.)